Sunday 4 July 2010

The Quest Begins.......

America Hell Yeah!!!!
been traveling for 20 hours now got as far as Texas and the hideously named George Bush airport.very sleep deprived and not really sure how I'm stealing internet from the "technical operations" wifi channel at the airport.

i heard a new joke from a newly wed american couple on the plane, i think he regretted telling me it because it sparked a bad joke off and i gave him a verbal smack down as they say over here 'he got served' anyway here it is.

Q: what is the favorite meal of a British nuclear power technician?

A: Fusion Chips

they had cool touchscreen monitors in the seats with movies and games on and i played a lot of space invaders on the 10 hour flight. sadly their film choice was a bit dire no sign of 'snakes on a plane', 'final destination' or 'con-air'.

i will do another post with some pics soon, this internet is to dodgy to upload at the moment.

cheers Leafy


  1. Hi Leafy
    Soak up that California drizzle...
    Drink a Margherita for me...

  2. I am duly stalking you, Leafy. You can blame your Mum for that! Congrats on your degree class - a darn sight better than I managed.

  3. Yo Leaf dawg! Good to see ya havin a super time. How about an update soon yeah.
