Monday 12 July 2010

Drums, Flutes, Expensive Chairs and Shiny Floors

sorry been a bit slow at updating the blog, been busy working hard and then for the last two days chilling on the beach, (oh its a hard life). anyway i will do a bit of a catch up.

the days heading up to the trip out to Hawaii were spent preparing all of the instruments and doing up the house.

we cut the wooden shells that i talked about in the other blog to make the drum frames then beveled and sanded the edges. then had to cut the drum skins from a really foul smelling elk hide. i hope he wasn't this smelly when he was alive or he would really not have any luck with the lady elk's, i don't think even a whole can of Lynx could make this guys funk bearable. then after punching the whole and threading through the sinew it has to be tighten and left to dry. you can see what the finished product looks like in the pictures.

finished off loads of flutes, and packed them all up.

another project was to work on sorting out Guillermo's front room. we filled in the gaps in the floor boards with this really toxic putty that stunk the whole place out and makes you real light headed. reading the back of the tin after we had finished it said the fumes can lead to brain damage, probably lost a few brain cells. lucky i got my first already.
we got in this industrial sander and professional wood sealer and finish looks pretty sweet. also went to this massive lumberyard warehouse and chose some wood for the molding, they had a pretty impressive array of hardwoods, however i'm not sure how ethically they are sourced.

here is the finished thing after the last coat of finish.

Guillermo got a really pimped out chair for fathers day which cost $2500. its a vintage design which I'm informed is so good its in a museum in Paris. he was so happy with it but was very cautious in letting anyone else sit in it.

just quickly here is a couple of random pics. some funky old school tools and a cow foot, looks tasty, yum yum hoofy. oh and sad news the one eyed pirate chicken(rooster face) didn't look so good so he was executed, even after i offered to make him an eye patch. we got a new rooster but he is getting bossed about by the old hens. he really needs to man up and show them who's boss.

that's it for now i will add in the Hawaii stuff later.


  1. Hi Leafy
    Seeing what you were up to in Modjeska Canyon bet you're looking forward to a holiday! Hope Hawaii is brilliant... and that Guillermo has managed to appreciate the subtle and gracious nuances of the beautiful game as demonstrated by the Dutch team!
    How about getting someone to point the camera at you sometime? love C

  2. Hi Leaf, hows it going?
    i agree with caz need some evidence that your actualy present and you didn't google these photos!
    hope your having an amazing time!
    Lots of love Jenny, Alistair, Phoebe and Alice

  3. Post some Hawaii photos.
    Have fun on the rest of your vacation. Kai misses all the spinning around and hanging upside down.

  4. Hi Leaf!
    I have been excitedly waiting for another post, and it has not come.
    I am disappointed by you!
    Na your alright,
    Love from your, Sister x

    PS. I am glad you have had a good time so far and you didnt get eaten by a bear, NICE ONE!

  5. Haha my trip is more recent than yours <3

    1. But don't worry, I gather yours was better because it included fancy chairs, shiny floors,flutes and drums and little dogs and Leif Hilejar
      AND you stayed longer in Yosemite

    2. But maybe I win because I am for realz coming back with magic beanz
