Thursday 8 July 2010

Drum frames, Tree Warrior and Crosbys

Took a trip to Anderson International to pick up some shells to make drum frames from. Anderson's sell the shells to Kellar who make all the shells for Gretsh, Tama, and most of the big drum kit manufactures. the warehouse was massive and they do cool colored Plexiglas shells which would look great with lights inside (hint hint ed!!!)

The next day was pretty cloudy which i was informed is the first time this has happened in months, however it all of a sudden didn't seem to different from the weather in postbridge. we went down to Home Depot which is like a turbo B@Q where you feel like a dwarf walking through these massive shelves of power tools, everything in America is so big, i think they must be compensating for some insecurities. anyway we picked up this nasty looking pole saw which should be labeled 'The Devastator' and i got up on the roof to cut back the trees. i was like some kind of tree surgeon ninja, no tree was safe from my Leafal attack.

after we had finished off making the flute stands, headed off to Santa Ana to this place that i had been wanting to go to in ages, its a small restaurant/bar/bookshop/art gallery called Crosby's run by the guy behind the band 'Free the Robots' and a couple of his friends, inside they have loads of beaten up old ghetto blasters on the walls and some funky artwork. saw a couple of DJ's their the first one was wicked, playing all kinds of eclectic stuff, then some rude boy got on and was playing some really gash rap songs and didn't have a clue how to mix them. leading to some very awkward silences.

anyway got to get back to work, if i get a chance later i will give you a tour of 'The Shire' before i head out to Hawaii.

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